The word document format (Word 95 up to Word 2003) is a pretty complex format, especially when compared to the Microsoft Works WPS format (code to read this has been posted previously - this code also has the OleDocument class needed for the code below).
Basic code follows below, but I need to stress that this code is NOT 100% yet. The way I deal with text, both 16 and 8 bit isn't great and I'm sure there's more nasties that the format can add to the text as well as how it encodes tables and hyperlinks. As I'm going to have to leave this code for a while before I improve it (other priorities) I thought I'd post it as-is in case I forget to do so later.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import os
import re
import struct
DOCNONASCIIPATTERN8 = re.compile(r"[\x7F-\xFF]")
DOCNONASCIIPATTERN16 = re.compile(ur"[\u007F-\uFFFF]")
DOCTABLECLEAN = re.compile(r"[\x01-\x08]")
DOCSTRIPPATTERN = re.compile(r"\r")
from OleDocument import OleDocument, ReaderError
class DOCReader(object):
def __init__(self, file_name):
self.file_name = file_name
self.document = OleDocument(file_name)
self.non_ascii_pattern8 = DOCNONASCIIPATTERN8
self.non_ascii_pattern16 = DOCNONASCIIPATTERN16
self.table_cleanup = DOCTABLECLEAN
self.strip_pattern = DOCSTRIPPATTERN
self.hyperlink_pattern = DOCHYPERLINKPATTERN
self.file_version = "Unknown Version"
def extract_text(self):
#First we need to pull out the WordDocument stream
#THis has most of the data we need
doc_stream = self.document.read_stream("WordDocument")
#The magic and version words define what version document this is
#We dont handle pre-word 6 documents
magic, version, flags = struct.unpack("<HH6xH", doc_stream[:12])
if magic != 0xA5EC and magic != 0xA5DC:
raise ReaderError("Invalid format - not a Word doc file")
if version < 101:
raise ReaderError("Very old doc file - cant handle before Word 95")
elif version == 101 or version in range(103, 105):
self.file_version = "Word 95"
buff = self._process_word95(doc_stream)
elif version >= 193:
self.file_version = "Word 97 - 2003"
buff = self._process_word97(doc_stream, flags)
raise ReaderError("Unknown version of Word")
return buff
def _clean_hyperlinks(self, buff):
#Word marks up hyperlinks with a certain markup.
#We want to strip this out, pull out the hyperlink text and uri,
# then add this to the text
for match in self.hyperlink_pattern.finditer(buff):
uri, display = match.groups()
buff = self.hyperlink_pattern.sub("%s (link: %s)" % (display, uri),
buff, 1)
return buff
def _process_word95(self, doc_stream):
#This version is so much easier to handle!
#The text start offset and end offset are early on in the stream.
#Pull them out, try clean up the text (seems to be ascii) and thats it
text_start, text_end = struct.unpack_from("<II", doc_stream, 0x18)
buff = doc_stream[text_start:text_end]
buff = self.non_ascii_pattern8.sub("", buff)
buff = self.table_cleanup.sub(" ", unicode(buff , "utf8"))
buff = self._clean_hyperlinks(buff)
return self.strip_pattern.sub("\r\n", buff)
def _process_word97(self, doc_stream, flags):
#This is where it gets ugly!
#Depending on the flags, you need to pull out another stream
#Its almost always '1Table'
if flags & 0x40:
table_stream_name = "1Table"
table_stream_name = "0Table"
#Now, from the WordDocument stream pull out the size of the text
#If there's any text in headers etc... then we need to add the extra
# amount of text along with 1 extra char (Dont know why the extra 1!!!)
offset = 62
count = struct.unpack_from("<H", doc_stream, offset)[0]
offset += 2
text_size, foot_size, header_size, macro_size, annotation_size, \
endnote_size, textbox_size, headertextbox_size = \
struct.unpack_from("12x8I", doc_stream, offset)
#If any sizes other than text size are non zero, add them up and add 1
if foot_size or header_size or macro_size or annotation_size or \
endnote_size or textbox_size or headertextbox_size:
final_cp = text_size + foot_size + header_size + macro_size + \
annotation_size + endnote_size + textbox_size + \
headertextbox_size + 1
final_cp = text_size
#Skip across some unused structures to get an offset to the table stream
offset += (count * 4)
offset += (66 * 4) + 2 #Add offset from main block + count variable
clx_offset, clx_size = struct.unpack_from("<II", doc_stream, offset)
table_stream = self.document.read_stream(table_stream_name)
magic, size = struct.unpack_from("<BH", table_stream, clx_offset)
if magic != 0x02:
raise ReaderError("Not a valid clxt in the table stream")
#Now read a list of cp offsets showing how the text is broken up
cp_list = []
offset = clx_offset + 5
for i in range(size / 4):
cp = struct.unpack_from("<I", table_stream, offset)[0]
offset += 4
if cp == final_cp:
if i == (size / 4) - 1:
raise ReaderError("Parse error - doc file has no final cp")
#For each cp offset we need to see if the text is 8 or 16 bit, get a
# stream offset and process the text chunk
buff = u""
for i in range(len(cp_list[:-1])):
fc = struct.unpack_from("<2xI", table_stream, offset)[0]
stream_offset = fc & (0xFFFFFFFF >> 2)
compressed = fc & (0x01 << 30)
next_cp = cp_list[i + 1]
cp = cp_list[i]
buff += self._process_block97(stream_offset, cp, next_cp, compressed,
offset += 8
return self.strip_pattern.sub("\r\n", buff)
def _process_block97(self, text_offset, cp, next_cp, compressed,
#For each text block we need to read the data and try clean it up.
#The data has special markup for tables and hyperlinks as well as other
# stuff that can be quite nasty of you dont clean it up
if compressed:
text_offset /= 2
last = (text_offset) + next_cp - cp - 1
buff = self.non_ascii_pattern8.sub("", doc_stream[text_offset:last])
buff = self.table_cleanup.sub(" ", unicode(buff , "utf8"))
return self._clean_hyperlinks(buff)
last = text_offset + 2 * (next_cp - cp)
buff = doc_stream[text_offset:last]
buff = unicode(buff , "utf16", errors="replace")
buff = self._clean_hyperlinks(buff)
buff = self.non_ascii_pattern16.sub("", buff)
return self.table_cleanup.sub(" ", buff)
if __name__ == '__main__':
print DOCReader(sys.argv[1]).extract_text()
import sys
import os
import re
import struct
DOCNONASCIIPATTERN8 = re.compile(r"[\x7F-\xFF]")
DOCNONASCIIPATTERN16 = re.compile(ur"[\u007F-\uFFFF]")
DOCTABLECLEAN = re.compile(r"[\x01-\x08]")
DOCSTRIPPATTERN = re.compile(r"\r")
from OleDocument import OleDocument, ReaderError
class DOCReader(object):
def __init__(self, file_name):
self.file_name = file_name
self.document = OleDocument(file_name)
self.non_ascii_pattern8 = DOCNONASCIIPATTERN8
self.non_ascii_pattern16 = DOCNONASCIIPATTERN16
self.table_cleanup = DOCTABLECLEAN
self.strip_pattern = DOCSTRIPPATTERN
self.hyperlink_pattern = DOCHYPERLINKPATTERN
self.file_version = "Unknown Version"
def extract_text(self):
#First we need to pull out the WordDocument stream
#THis has most of the data we need
doc_stream = self.document.read_stream("WordDocument")
#The magic and version words define what version document this is
#We dont handle pre-word 6 documents
magic, version, flags = struct.unpack("<HH6xH", doc_stream[:12])
if magic != 0xA5EC and magic != 0xA5DC:
raise ReaderError("Invalid format - not a Word doc file")
if version < 101:
raise ReaderError("Very old doc file - cant handle before Word 95")
elif version == 101 or version in range(103, 105):
self.file_version = "Word 95"
buff = self._process_word95(doc_stream)
elif version >= 193:
self.file_version = "Word 97 - 2003"
buff = self._process_word97(doc_stream, flags)
raise ReaderError("Unknown version of Word")
return buff
def _clean_hyperlinks(self, buff):
#Word marks up hyperlinks with a certain markup.
#We want to strip this out, pull out the hyperlink text and uri,
# then add this to the text
for match in self.hyperlink_pattern.finditer(buff):
uri, display = match.groups()
buff = self.hyperlink_pattern.sub("%s (link: %s)" % (display, uri),
buff, 1)
return buff
def _process_word95(self, doc_stream):
#This version is so much easier to handle!
#The text start offset and end offset are early on in the stream.
#Pull them out, try clean up the text (seems to be ascii) and thats it
text_start, text_end = struct.unpack_from("<II", doc_stream, 0x18)
buff = doc_stream[text_start:text_end]
buff = self.non_ascii_pattern8.sub("", buff)
buff = self.table_cleanup.sub(" ", unicode(buff , "utf8"))
buff = self._clean_hyperlinks(buff)
return self.strip_pattern.sub("\r\n", buff)
def _process_word97(self, doc_stream, flags):
#This is where it gets ugly!
#Depending on the flags, you need to pull out another stream
#Its almost always '1Table'
if flags & 0x40:
table_stream_name = "1Table"
table_stream_name = "0Table"
#Now, from the WordDocument stream pull out the size of the text
#If there's any text in headers etc... then we need to add the extra
# amount of text along with 1 extra char (Dont know why the extra 1!!!)
offset = 62
count = struct.unpack_from("<H", doc_stream, offset)[0]
offset += 2
text_size, foot_size, header_size, macro_size, annotation_size, \
endnote_size, textbox_size, headertextbox_size = \
struct.unpack_from("12x8I", doc_stream, offset)
#If any sizes other than text size are non zero, add them up and add 1
if foot_size or header_size or macro_size or annotation_size or \
endnote_size or textbox_size or headertextbox_size:
final_cp = text_size + foot_size + header_size + macro_size + \
annotation_size + endnote_size + textbox_size + \
headertextbox_size + 1
final_cp = text_size
#Skip across some unused structures to get an offset to the table stream
offset += (count * 4)
offset += (66 * 4) + 2 #Add offset from main block + count variable
clx_offset, clx_size = struct.unpack_from("<II", doc_stream, offset)
table_stream = self.document.read_stream(table_stream_name)
magic, size = struct.unpack_from("<BH", table_stream, clx_offset)
if magic != 0x02:
raise ReaderError("Not a valid clxt in the table stream")
#Now read a list of cp offsets showing how the text is broken up
cp_list = []
offset = clx_offset + 5
for i in range(size / 4):
cp = struct.unpack_from("<I", table_stream, offset)[0]
offset += 4
if cp == final_cp:
if i == (size / 4) - 1:
raise ReaderError("Parse error - doc file has no final cp")
#For each cp offset we need to see if the text is 8 or 16 bit, get a
# stream offset and process the text chunk
buff = u""
for i in range(len(cp_list[:-1])):
fc = struct.unpack_from("<2xI", table_stream, offset)[0]
stream_offset = fc & (0xFFFFFFFF >> 2)
compressed = fc & (0x01 << 30)
next_cp = cp_list[i + 1]
cp = cp_list[i]
buff += self._process_block97(stream_offset, cp, next_cp, compressed,
offset += 8
return self.strip_pattern.sub("\r\n", buff)
def _process_block97(self, text_offset, cp, next_cp, compressed,
#For each text block we need to read the data and try clean it up.
#The data has special markup for tables and hyperlinks as well as other
# stuff that can be quite nasty of you dont clean it up
if compressed:
text_offset /= 2
last = (text_offset) + next_cp - cp - 1
buff = self.non_ascii_pattern8.sub("", doc_stream[text_offset:last])
buff = self.table_cleanup.sub(" ", unicode(buff , "utf8"))
return self._clean_hyperlinks(buff)
last = text_offset + 2 * (next_cp - cp)
buff = doc_stream[text_offset:last]
buff = unicode(buff , "utf16", errors="replace")
buff = self._clean_hyperlinks(buff)
buff = self.non_ascii_pattern16.sub("", buff)
return self.table_cleanup.sub(" ", buff)
if __name__ == '__main__':
print DOCReader(sys.argv[1]).extract_text()
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